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如果你成年后还在考虑重返校园, the number one thing you should know is that it’s never too late to go to college. 事实上, 随着当今劳动力教育的要求, 技术驱动的工作环境和延迟退休的趋势, 作为成年人去上大学是很正常的.
目前, 美国十分之一的大学生年龄在40岁以上, 根据国家教育统计中心的数据. By 2027, 3.300万学生将属于这个年龄段.
尽管在任何年龄都有很多令人信服的理由去上大学, 这并不意味着做一个非传统的学生总是容易的. 作为一个有工作的成年人,上大学有其独特的挑战.
如果你致力于提高你的个人, 你或你的家庭的职业和财务前景, mg不朽情缘游戏网址在这里帮助你为成功做准备. Let’s dive into 5 strategies that can help you navigate the challenges of going to college as an adult and thrive as a nontraditional college student.
One of the biggest hurdles for many adults aspiring to go to college is uncertainty. 许多未来的成人大学生会问自己这样的问题:
Going back to college is a big decision—but don’t let yourself get in the way of achieving your goal.
Success Strategy: Remove the intimidation factor by applying to colleges or universities that consider your holistic experience and education when making admission decisions.
大学申请过程令人生畏的原因有很多. 也许你不擅长考试,入学考试是你的头号恐惧. 也许你以前的高中或大学GPA不高.
不管你担心什么,永远不要假设你不会被大学录取. 有高质量的, accredited colleges that lower the barriers to entry to help motivated students from all backgrounds get a college education.
One of the major considerations for adults returning to college is the cost of a college education. There are many ways to plan for the financial realities of going to college, including:
在考虑大学教育的财务投资时, 记住长期的好处.
“大多数人在贷款买车之前都不会多想,”他说. 罗斯:“他们认为这是必要的,并为成本做计划. An education, on the other hand, is less tangible and many people question taking out student loans. 然而贷款不应该是你的第一选择, 教育只会随着时间的推移而增值, 而像汽车这样的投资会贬值. 当你评估你的融资选择, always take a long-term perspective and think about how an education will help you reach professional and salary goals.”
事实上, 对于许多没有大学学位的成年人来说, 重返大学正成为一项长期的经济需要. 根据社会保障局的数据, 拥有学士学位的男性年薪约为900美元,终身收入中位数比高中毕业生多1万美元. 拥有学士学位的女性多挣63万美元.
Success Strategy: Choose an affordable online college that gives you the flexibility to work while you get a college degree.
One way to reduce the opportunity cost of a college degree is to choose an online college that allows you to maintain your current job and salary. Going back to school full-time inevitably costs more because you lose out on salary earnings in addition to adding the cost of tuition to your financial picture.
作为一家专门为在职成年人服务的非营利性私人机构, mg不朽情缘游戏网址的学费要低70% 比全国私立非营利性四年制大学的平均水平还要高. 通过提供专为在职成年人设计的在线课程, Franklin makes it easier to maintain the balance of your career and your college education.
作为一个职场成年人,时间管理是成功上大学的关键. 如果你想在网上攻读学位的话, you want to make sure your flexible curriculum doesn’t become a detriment to your success. You need to proactively plan your schedule to make sure you don’t procrastinate or fall behind. 你也要确保在你的教育之间保持平衡, 专业及个人追求.
除了基本的时间管理最佳实践, choosing the right college degree program can make it easier 管理你的工作量.
Success Strategy: Look for a college that offers a balanced workload format that makes it easier to plan around your college courses.
作为一个成年人回到大学, 与传统大学生相比,你可能需要不同类型的支持.
不知道该找什么? Here are some of the types of support that can be most beneficial to adult learners.
Success Strategy: Choose a program with dedicated support services that cater to the needs of working adults.
Support services that are only offered during normal working hours often don’t work for adults going to college. You also shouldn’t have to sacrifice personal support because you choose to attend college online.
“在mg不朽情缘试玩, every student is assigned an academic advisor who can help them make decisions about their courses and educational path,博士说。. Ross, “I regularly hear from advisors soliciting advice on behalf of their students. mg不朽情缘游戏网址还提供支持服务,如学生学习中心. For example, if you need help on a paper you can submit it and receive feedback within 24-hours. 正是这些类型的服务帮助mg不朽情缘游戏网址专门迎合工作的成年人.”
重返校园有时会有压力,但也会有收获. Take the time to engage with professors and classmates and truly enjoy what you’re learning. 同时,不要忘记在生活中找到平衡.
Success Strategy: Make a list of your most important personal and professional responsibilities and plan your school work accordingly.
无论是参加工作外出还是在晚上给孩子掖好被子, 确保你早点设定优先级,并坚持下去. 通过抽出时间参加社交活动和家庭活动, 你会脚踏实地,积极主动地收获大学教育的好处.
而在线大学提供了最大的灵活性, not every online college is designed to meet the specific needs of working adults.
For over 120 years, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 has been dedicated to serving working adults. mg不朽情缘游戏网址是一所机构认可的大学, meaning it meets the highest quality standards while providing education in a flexible online format that works around your schedule. mg不朽情缘试玩的专用资源, tools and systems make sure you have what you need to succeed as a working adult going to college.