Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Online

完成这些数据分析培训课程,并获得谷歌数据分析证书,使您有资格进行清洁, analyze and visualize digital data.

Certificate | Beginner | 5-6 months | Coursera
Price: Included in $49 monthly subscription

mg不朽情缘游戏网址与Coursera Campus合作,为寻求进步的学习者提供尖端证书. Courses are open to all learners. No application required.

Included in your subscription

Get unlimited access to over 7,在Coursera网站上可以找到5000种课程,包括指导项目, 由数百所顶尖大学和公司提供的专业和专业证书. 您还可以访问mg不朽情缘试玩市场中找到的所有39个专业证书.


What You Will Learn

  • Understand the ins and outs of data cleaning, 数据分析和数据可视化及其在数据生态系统中的作用
  • 了解如何提出有效的问题,并使用电子表格和SQL等工具来支持数据驱动的决策
  • Learn best practices for data collection, organization and protection
  • 探索检查和清理数据以及呈现和可视化结果的方法

About the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

如果你想进入令人兴奋和不断发展的数据分析领域,没有经验或没有学位是没有问题的, thanks to the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate.

This specialization lets you take a deep dive into data collection, 经过专业培训的数据转换和数据组织,得到顶级雇主的注意.

Developed by experienced analysts at Google, this program is comprised of eight self-paced courses, each designed to help launch your data analytics career.

Through your studies, 您将从专家那里学习,并接触到各种分析工具和平台, including SQL, R Programming and Tableau. 您还将完成实际操作的项目,让您练习数据清理等急需的技能, 数据伦理和数据可视化——所有这些都是在构建工作组合的同时,向潜在雇主展示你的技能.

Required Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Courses

Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 18 hours

This is the first course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. 所有类型的组织都需要数据分析师来帮助他们改进流程, identify opportunities and trends, launch new products, and make thoughtful decisions. In this course, 你将通过谷歌开发的实践课程进入数据分析的世界. The material shared covers plenty of key data analytics topics, 它的目的是让你对谷歌数据分析证书的内容有一个概述. 当前的Google数据分析师将指导并为您提供使用最佳工具和资源完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: -了解初级或助理数据分析师在日常工作中采用的实践和流程. - Learn about key analytical skills (data cleaning, data analysis, data visualization) and tools (spreadsheets, SQL, R programming, Tableau) that you can add to your professional toolbox. -发现与初级数据分析师角色相关的各种术语和概念, such as the data life cycle and the data analysis process. - Evaluate the role of analytics in the data ecosystem. - Conduct an analytical thinking self-assessment. - Explore job opportunities available to you upon program completion, and learn about best practices you can leverage during your job search.
Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 21 hours

This is the second course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. 您将建立在您对本证书课程第一门课程中介绍的主题的理解之上. The material will help you learn how to ask effective questions, make data-driven decisions, and meet stakeholders’ needs. 当前的谷歌数据分析师将指导并为您提供实践方法来完成常见的数据分析任务. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will: -学习有效的提问技巧,帮助指导分析. -了解数据驱动的决策以及数据分析师如何呈现调查结果. -探索各种现实世界的商业场景,作为质疑和决策的例子. -了解电子表格如何以及为什么是数据分析师的重要工具. -检查与结构化思维相关的关键思想,以及它们如何帮助分析师更好地理解问题并制定解决方案. -学习管理利益相关者期望的策略,同时与数据分析团队建立清晰的沟通,以实现业务目标.
Prepare Data for Exploration

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 25 hours

This is the third course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. 随着你对前两门课程的理解不断加深, 您将被介绍到新的主题,这将有助于您获得实用的数据分析技能. 您将学习如何使用电子表格和SQL等工具来提取和利用正确的数据来实现您的目标, and how to organize and protect your data. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Find out how analysts decide what data to collect for analysis. —了解结构化数据和非结构化数据、数据类型和数据格式. -了解如何识别数据中不同类型的偏差,以帮助确保数据的可信度. -探索分析师如何在数据库和数据集中使用电子表格和SQL. -研究开放数据,以及数据操守与数据私隐的关系和重要性. - Gain an understanding of how to access databases and extract, filter, and sort the data they contain. - Learn best practices for organizing data and keeping it secure.
Process Data from Dirty to Clean

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 26 hours

This is the fourth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, 您将继续构建对数据分析以及数据分析师在工作中使用的概念和工具的理解. 您将学习如何使用电子表格和SQL检查和清理数据, as well as how to verify and report your data cleaning results. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Check for data integrity. - Apply data cleaning techniques using spreadsheets. - Develop basic SQL queries for use on databases. - Use basic SQL functions to clean and transform data. - Verify the results of cleaning data. - Write an effective data cleaning report
Analyze Data to Answer Questions

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 33 hours

This is the fifth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. 在本课程中,您将探索实际分析数据的含义. 您将利用到目前为止所学到的知识,并应用它来理解收集到的数据. 您将学习如何使用电子表格和SQL来组织和格式化数据,以帮助您以不同的方式查看和思考数据. 您还将了解如何对数据执行复杂的计算以实现业务目标. 您将学习在进行分析时如何使用公式、函数和SQL查询. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Learn how to organize data for analysis. - Understand the processes for formatting and adjusting data. - Explore how to aggregate data in spreadsheets and by using SQL. - Use formulas and functions in spreadsheets to make data calculations. - Learn how to complete calculations using SQL queries.
Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 25 hours

This is the sixth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. 您将学习如何在完成数据分析过程时可视化和呈现您的数据发现. This course will show you how data visualizations, such as visual dashboards, can help bring your data to life. You’ll also explore Tableau, 一个数据可视化平台,可帮助您为演示文稿创建有效的可视化效果. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Understand the importance of data visualization. - Learn how to form a compelling narrative through data stories. -了解如何使用Tableau创建仪表板和仪表板过滤器. - Discover how to use Tableau to create effective visualizations. -探索有效演讲的原则和实践. -学习如何考虑与演示文稿中数据相关的潜在限制. - Understand how to apply best practices to a Q&A with your audience.
Data Analysis with R Programming

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 34 hours

本课程是谷歌数据分析证书的第七门课程. In this course, you’ll learn about the programming language known as R. You’ll find out how to use RStudio, the environment that allows you to work with R, and the software applications and tools that are unique to R, such as R packages. You’ll discover how R lets you clean, organize, analyze, visualize, and report data in new and more powerful ways. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Examine the benefits of using the R programming language. - Discover how to use RStudio to apply R to your analysis. - Explore the fundamental concepts associated with programming in R. —了解R包的内容和组件,包括Tidyverse包. - Gain an understanding of dataframes and their use in R. - Discover the options for generating visualizations in R. - Learn about R Markdown for documenting R programming.
Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

BEGINNER | Data Science | Self-paced | 14 hours

本课程是谷歌数据分析证书的第八门也是最后一门课程. You’ll have the opportunity to complete a case study, which will help prepare you for your data analytics job hunt. 雇主通常用案例研究来评估分析能力. For your case study, you’ll choose an analytics-based scenario. You’ll then ask questions, prepare, process, analyze, visualize and act on the data from the scenario. You’ll also learn about useful job hunting skills, common interview questions and responses, and materials to build a portfolio online. 当前的Google数据分析师将继续指导并为您提供使用最好的工具和资源来完成常见数据分析师任务的实际方法. 完成本证书课程的学习者将具备申请数据分析师等入门级工作的能力. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: -了解案例研究和作品集在求职中的好处和用途. -探索现实世界的工作面试场景和常见的面试问题. -发现案例研究如何成为面试过程的一部分. - Examine and consider different case study scenarios. - Have the chance to complete your own case study for your portfolio. -向谷歌专家学习人工智能技能,帮助完成数据分析任务.

Complete This Certificate. Get College Credit.

你知道,专门的技能课程将为专门的工作打开大门, 但你知道吗,他们还会让你离mg不朽情缘游戏网址的学位更近一步?

该大学已经评估了数百个行业认可的熟练程度认证,并授予相当于mg不朽情缘试玩特定课程的学分, as well as technical- or elective-credit requirements. 看看通过建立之前的学习学分,你可以为你的学位节省多少时间和金钱.

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Bolster Your Professional Skills

通过mg不朽情缘试玩的专业证书来加强你的技能,夺回控制权或重新思考你的职业生涯. Learn, 通过专业发展课程来磨练或掌握与工作相关的技能,这些课程不会让你倾家荡产,也不会占用你的空闲时间. 这些在线课程可以满足你的好奇心,培养在工作场所有真正价值的新技能. Learn at your own pace. Cancel your subscription anytime.

Showcase Your Capabilities

Through Franklin’s partnership with Coursera, 证书课程可以让你应用你所学的知识,建立一个职业档案,帮助你向雇主展示你的专业能力. 无论你是要进入一个新的领域,还是在现有的领域取得进步, 实践项目提供了现实世界的例子,帮助说明你的技能和能力. Project completion is required to earn your Certificate.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

当你在你的证书上加上一份专业证书时,会引起招聘经理和你的职业关系网的注意. 许多证书是迈向全面认证的一步,而其他证书则是新的职业旅程的开始. At Franklin, 如果你决定参加mg不朽情缘游戏网址众多学位课程之一,你的证书也可能被评估为课程学分.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate cost?

When you enroll in this self-paced certificate program, 你决定你想多快完成每门专业课程. To access the courses, you pay a small monthly cost of $35, so the total cost of your Professional Certificate depends on you. Plus, you can take a break or cancel your subscription anytime.



What prior experience do I need to enroll?

No prior experienced is needed for this beginner-level series. Enroll now.


您的证书证明您已经学习了数据分析的基本概念,并准备开始或发展您作为数据分析师的职业生涯, data scientist or database administrator.


No. Courses offered through the Marketplace are for all learners. There is no application or admission process.

If I complete a certificate and decide to enroll at Franklin, how do I get course credit toward a degree?

Please submit your certificate to for review and processing. After your official evaluation has been completed, 请检查它,以确保所有符合条件的学分已被应用. 

You can submit documentation before or after you apply to Franklin.

Months to Complete

Shareable Certificate

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Beginner Level

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If you believe this to be in error, 或者无法使用现有的Franklin帐户凭据, please contact the Franklin University Helpdesk for assistance.

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For $49 per month, 你可以无限制地访问mg不朽情缘游戏网址与Coursera合作提供的完整课程目录.

Learn at your own pace, and cancel your subscription at any time.

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Online

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If you are with an organization looking to upskill your workforce, discounted group pricing is available. Please contact:

Whitney Iles
Director of Partnerships and Client Management

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如果你找不到你想要的,可能还有其他的选择. Please contact:

David Kerr
Strategic Alliances Systems & Operations Director

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    Sign up with just your name, email, and phone number. 这将允许您登录并保存您最喜欢的程序,当您浏览mg不朽情缘游戏网址的产品, as well as access any products you purchase.

  2. Pay Now to Enroll

    Some programs are included as part of our $49 monthly subscription, while others are priced on an individual basis. 选择适合您的方式,并通过mg不朽情缘游戏网址快速、简单、安全的支付门户进行支付.

  3. Start Learning

    Choose from our self-paced offerings to work on your own schedule, or select instructor-led courses for a more traditional experience.

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  1. Sign Up

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  2. Meet Your Education Consultant

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    Utilize our immersive learning & dynamic exam prep. 从你的个人学生成功顾问那里获得指导和动力.

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